Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Hi Everybody! Sorry it has been so long. All I can say is that since I have started having my protein shakes for breakfast and making (or trying to make) better choices the rest of the time…I have been BUSY! I have defiantly noticed that I have lots more energy. Hence, less time for blogging. I failed to take into account that might happen. Alas.... I even painted the hallway this week. That’s only been on the To-Do List for ummmm….5 years or so. Now don’t get me wrong, I have made a few mistakes. But at least I realized it and have moved on. No big deal…no reason to fall off the wagon. Just do better with the next choice. For example the other night at Qudoba; in the car on the way home The Hubbs and I looked at each other and said at exactly the same moment, “we should have shared a burrito!” We won’t make that mistake again for a long time I can promise you. And of course dinner at my parents house when one of their dear friends brought over a concoction called “Shoo Fly Pie”. Has anyone ever heard of this? Shoo Fly Pie is basically molasses on pie crust. Grotesque. We were all so excited when we heard the word "pie" and we cut pretty big pieces. At the first bite we knew we had made a huge mistake. But, we didn't want to offend the maker, who was sitting right there and love, love, tripple loved hers. I’m not going to go into details about what happened later on as the after effect of shoo here but if anyone ever offers you any, run, don’t walk, away. Don’t eat it!

Now for the past couple of weeks I have been enjoying the chocolate flavor Cinch shake from Shaklee. It really is yummy. Now, I have tried just about every meal supplement, energy, health, whatever shake out there and this one is the ONLY one that I have liked with the exception of Kashi. Here’s what’s so great about it…it doesn’t taste like fake chocolate and fake sugar. Seriously. Has anyone ever read any of the labels on those things? The second ingredient is usually some form of “ose”. Glucose, sucrose, etc…all gross, all bad for you. This is really good, fills me up, and gives me more energy than usual. I haven’t even been drinking as much coffee! Sometimes I jazz it up and add a banana and some peanut butter. I call that “Elvis Style”. I am so pleased with how things have been going I placed an order for the vanilla just the other day. Yea me!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Where to start? How about at the beginning!

Hello everyone! Welcome to my blog. Here we will be exploring my decision to live healthier and feel better. Now please hear me when I say that I LOVE to eat. I love healthy food; I love junk food; and I love everything in between. My struggle has been drawing the line between too much junk and not enough healthy. I tend to be all or nothing when it comes to what I eat. Staying on track for days and then splurging on the greasiest pizza I can find...along with wings and cheesey bread. Hell, why not have 6 beers at that point, right? Did someone say dessert? Then I end up feeling horrible about myself and my choices and its days until I am on the wagon again. Is there a way to meet somewhere in the middle? Can I find the right balance for me? Has anyone?

Making healthier choices is also more important than ever because The Hubbs and I are planning to start doing foster care in hopes of adopting. I am operating under the assumption that the majority of children floating around "the system" are probably not healthy eaters. I feel compelled to stuff them full of yummy, healthy food while they are in my home. Therefore, I have to set an example for them. I just don't think Pepsi and Ramen are appropriate staples for a little one!

I don't know if any of you out there are familiar with a company called was started long ago by Dr. Shaklee. He was living green and organic long before any of us even knew what that meant. Shaklee sells top of the line, all natural vitamins, smoothies, everything. They even have some of the best supplements for children EVER.

But...I digress. Back to my plan. I am going to start enjoying a delicious smoothie from the great folks at Shaklee every morning for breakfast and see what happens. My! Oomph! And is it possible to not get hungry 20 minutes after my morning meal? I will let you know!